COVIPOCUS2021 is Being held under the auspices of The WACEM-International Network of Critical UltraSound (INCUS)
The Inauguration Ceremony
of COVIPOCUS2021 was held with International Speakers and delegates around the
world participating in the illustrious ceremony.
Dr. Tej Prakash Sinha from AIIMS Was the host for the ceremony.
Gracing the occasion
was the Regional Advisor to The World Health Organization for South East Asia
Dr. Nayar.
Dr. Praveen Aggarwal
Professor and Head of The All India Institute of Medical Sciences Department of
Emergency Medicine welcomed all the faculty and delegates to the January 2021 CPVIPOCUS
e-Congress which will be held every Saturday at 630 PM India time. He thanked
all the frontline staff for contributing relentlessly to combat COVID19 since
the past 9 months.
Dr. Sagar Galwankar
Executive Director of The World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine
delivered his Inaugural Address. Dr. Sagar Emphasized the importance of forwarding
effective collaborations between POCUS Researchers across the world so the science
of POCUS can be a standard of care. “Standard of Care can only be established
if the Standard of Skill is uniform across the world. Innovation in education
and evolution of the POCUS machines are the two most fundamentals components to
the future of this science " were the profound words of the Leader.
Professor Bhoi,
Head of The AIIMS JPN Apex Trauma Center Emergency Services was the Key Note
Speaker for this Session. He presented an extensive Review of all the research
published on POCUS and COVID in literature and highlighted thrust areas for scientific
discovery in the coming times. He emphasized that research is key to establish
the critical use of Sonography in COVID patient care.
Speakers Dr. Gullet(USA), Dr. Tato (INDIA), Dr. Vali (Tanzaia) and Leaders of The Sri Lanka College of
Emergency Physicians Dr. Thushara as well as Dr. Munasinghe Secretary General
of WACEM (2017) attended the grand academic event.
Delegates were welcomed
for the 2nd Session of COVIPOCUS2021 on 9th January 2021.
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