Tuesday 6 July 2021

68th WACEM-ACAIM Weekly Summit on the The Telemedicine & Pediatric Preparedness Framework for the COVID19 Pandemic

 3rd July 2021

The Telemedicine Framework Team & The Pediatric Preparedness Team met to lay out the strategy towards finalizing key distinct and key integrating features between these two diverse topics.

Pediatric Preparedness Framework focused on  Resources and its Utilization at the correct time, correct place in purview of a correct process.

Checklists were considered key be it roles, responsibilities, accountability metrics or even after review reporting. Stock-Pile maintenance was considered key.

The Telemedicine Framework focused on developing the science around Telecommunications Technology and its application in a highly complex and accountable branch of medical care. 

The complexity of this framework revolved around various aspects from culture, to competencies to clear less criteria for using, recording, analyzing and improving the process for this extensive and random sudden surge in its usage for patient care.  

Detailed discussion were held on the above two topics.

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