Saturday 13 June 2020

The 13th WACEM-ACAIM Special Global Web Conference on “COVIFLU: The Second Wave or The Tsunami"

The 12th WACEM-ACAIM meeting focussed on the expected second wave of COVID-19, perhaps even a Tsunami when COVIFLU hits in Influenza season.

Contingency planning

We recognize the need to practice proactive medicine rather than reactive medicine. With contingency planning, looking all the phases of disease management, table-top exercises, major incidence planning and disaster management; as well as lessons learnt from previous (and this current) pandemic in prevention of future crises.

Immunological pathway for COVIFLU

We are closer to publication of our immunological model for COVID-19, but also describing a model for the expected COVIFLU wave. The key point being that we expect a synergistic immunological response in COVIFLU, thus further driving the need for immunomodulatory therapies.


We were joined by Mr. Lirans, representing Pluristem (visit: ) an Israeli stem cell therapy company. They produce ethically accepted, placenta-derived cell therapy. A single vial is delivered via intramuscular injection, with the basis of treatment being adaptive slow cytokine release, resulting in immunomodulation rather than immunosuppression. The treatment, and this company show great promise and we are following their incredible journey.

Telemedicine update

a. Our telemedicine paper is under development.

b. Telemedicine platform - we hope to launch the website which will be an interactive audio-visual interface for telemedicine, with a plan to eventually support multilingual use. 

Supply chain

Restructuring the existing supply chain, for instance by localization, leads to improving biosafety and biosecurity. Until now, supply chain models have been used in vaccine provision, biowaste disposal, and more routine usage in the chemical industry. However this extends further to general living, medical resources; and it is particularly important to main and restructure this during pandemics or other crisis scenarios. 

Until next time...

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